Mother of NFL Player Doug Legursky Was Seconds Away From Having an Abortion

Lorrie Legursky, the mother of NFL football player Doug Legursky, didn’t plan to be pregnant at the age of 15. She also didn’t plan to have an abortion, but that’s where she found herself five months into her first pregnancy.

When she became pregnant, although she was adopted herself, she dreaded telling her father about the pregnancy. His immediate reaction was that she have an abortion, though admittedly he had no idea what an abortion really entailed.

A local newspaper in West Virginia has the rest of this compelling story:

Within the second trimester, at the end of five months, a fetus is about 8-10 inches long and weighs about 1 pound. Hair is beginning to grow on its head; eyebrows and eyelashes appear. The mother can feel movement; its organs are maturing. About a month more and it will have a 50/50 chance of survival outside of the womb.

On her way to an abortion clinic with cash in hand, Lorrie was being escorted by two of her father’s friends, ladies. Once at the clinic, they waited for her outside in the car. Anxious, Lorrie entered the clinic.

She noticed other girls were there, waiting in the chairs lining the interior of the reception area. She could hear quiet crying from some of them. A television provided the only other background noise. After filling out the required paperwork, she waited for her name to be called.

“I did what I was told and I went across the hall and sat on the examination table,” says Lorrie. She noticed a machine near the bottom. Nurses turned the vacuum aspiration machine on and its steady hum thickened the room. The doctor arrived and positioned himself for a pelvic examination, feeling her womb to determine the size and the position of the fetus inside her. “I was completely silent. I wasn’t crying loudly or making sounds. I was just laying on the table.” Then, in the most unexpected place, with most unanticipated timing, life happened.

She calls it “a God moment.”



Aware of her own tears falling into her hair, Lorrie noticed the doctor leaning around to look at her.

“He asked, ‘Why are you crying?’ I said, ‘Because of what’s getting ready to happen.’” This is what you wanted, isn’t it, he asked.  “It’s not what I wanted. It’s what my daddy wanted,” came her response. With that, the doctor turned off the machine. “He did it like he was angry.  There was just a click. Then he told me to get up, get dressed, and get out of his clinic.”

NFL player Doug Legursky has used his popularity from the NFL to speak out on pro-life issues.
