“I Got It!” Parents of Disabled Boy Talk About Video That Went Viral of Him Finally Walking

Remember the viral video of the disabled boy who finally walked for the first time and shouted, “I got it!” Now, in a new interview, his parents talk about how he’s doing.

kayden3As LifeNews reported, Nikkie Sessoms talked about how her family learned this firsthand about the pressure to have an abortion.

Doctors said their son Kayden Elijah Kinckle had omphalocele, an abdominal wall defect where internal organs are outside of the body. More than half of all babies born with omphalocele have other birth defects, including brain, spine, heart, gastrointestinal issues, and genitourinary problems. Kayden also had his umbilical cord wrapped around his feet, binding them under his mother’s pelvic bone, making the doctors concerned for his spine, hips and feet. Knowing this, the doctors told the Sessoms they should end his life through abortion.

The Sessoms, like so many other brave parents before them, said no. Unwilling to play god, they decided instead to trust God and place Kayden in His hands. Nikki said: “I still continued with the pregnancy even though I was warned against it and told that my son wouldn’t walk and would have many problems. But God said everything would be alright.”

It was the right choice. Kayden was born early and the omphalocele was not as big as expected. His spine, hips and mind were all healthy, too! Kayden is now a happy two-year old. He did have to have his right foot and left leg amputated but was fitted with prosthetics. The boy who was never supposed to walk, let alone live through pregnancy, is now taking his first steps.

Here’s more form the update interview:

