Rumors about Summorum Pontificum – GET A GRIP!

17_02_17_screenshot_SummorumMy email is filling with panicked messages about a story at LifeSite which suggests that Pope Francis is maneuvering to end the universal legislation established by Benedict XVI in Summorum Pontificum. HERE

Please, friends, breathe into a paper bag or whatever else you have to do to get a grip.

First, I don’t believe it.

Second, I don’t think it would make a lot of difference: this thing is going to continue one way or another.

So, put on your big boy underwear, stop whining, and GET BACK TO WORK.


Honestly… if some people put half the energy they use to worry and whine and wring their hands about rumors into building up a traditional Mass community where they live, we’d see some remarkable progress.

¡Hagan lío!
