10 Reasons Cardinal Burke Will Be Our Next Pope
Check out this article on 10 reasons Cardinal Burke will be the next Pope. It is an excellent article. The point that Dr. Marshall makes about Burke flying under the radar is an excellent point. I believe the same thing happened with Cardinal Ratzinger. By under the radar, what I mean is that media outlets, because they fail to understand the Church, continue to ignore him. Most likely because they think that their coverage will some how influence the election. Most of the world tends to think of religion and the election of the Pope in secular terms. They cannot help it. Their conscience was formed primarily by secular pagans. How can they think in terms of holiness, orthodoxy, or the Holy Spirit. They have no earthly idea what those things mean. While they continue to reject those things and as a result quite possibly the holiest Cardinal in the mix. The college of Cardinals continues to grow in holiness and thinks in terms of the receiving what is given them by the Holy Spirit. They are not thinking about who will be hip and trendy. Who will give the people what they want, rather, they are thinking in terms of holiness, orthodoxy, and the Holy Spirit. In other words, While, few publicly speak of Cardinal Burke and as a result he seems to be flying under the radar. He is definitely on the radar of those who guided by the Holy Spirit, will make the decision in conclave.Pray for the conclave and for our soon to be successor. St. Peter pray for us!