Holy Week and Easter - Your Photos
Once again, we wish to thank the readers who sent in photographs of their Triduum and Easter services. If we receive more over the coming week, we will have another photopost sometime during the coming week. A reminder that we are happy to receive photographs and links to videos any time, not just for major occasions, but it is not always possible to publish them all.Ss. Peter and Paul - Würzburg, GermanyThere are many more pictures available on the parish’s facebook page.Gospel on Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
The Exsultet on Holy Saturday
The Gloria on Holy SaturdayImmaculate Conception - Omaha, Nebraska (F.S.S.P.)
St Alphonsus - Baltimore, Maryland
Altar of Repose
Main altar after the Easter Vigil
A representation of the Empty Tomb in a side-chapelSt Basil the Great Greek-Catholic Church - Bucharest, Romania
St Mary’s - Remsen, Iowa
Holy Ghost - Tiverton, Rhode Island
Oratory of Ss Gregory and Augustine - St. Louis, Missouri
First Lamentation of Holy ThursdaySt Mary’s - Pine Bluff, Wisconsin
Good Friday Tenebrae
Holy Innocents - New York City
Good Friday Adoration of the Cross
Blessing of the Baptismal Water at the Easter VigilSt John Cantius - Chicago, Illinois
On Holy Thursday, this image of St John the Baptist’s head was displayed at the Lady Altar to commemorate the fact that the station church for the day is St John in the Lateran.St Stephen’s - Tarrawingee, Australia