Rachael Ray features work of Albany's Father Peter Young
Despite the fact that I live in New York's Capital Region, where Father Peter Young is respected and beloved for the amazing work has done -- and continues to do -- to help thousands upon thousands of people overcome addiction and build new lives for themselves, I am still in awe of this priest's personal mission and wide-ranging ministries. And apparently Rachael Ray is in awe as well.Check out this clip from the Rachael Ray Show, featuring the work of Father Young, who has been a priest of the Albany Diocese for 54 years. People who come to his program don't simply get drug treatment or a place to sleep, they get the tools they need to regain their dignity and become self-sufficient. Father Young's holistic approach treats the disease of addiction while also providing house, and job training, specifically culinary training, so participants have marketable skills when the walk out the door. It's not just a nice theory; it really works, which you'll see if you watch the clip by clicking HERE.And HERE is a related story from the Times Union, which explains that the TV interview came at the prompting of Ray's mother, who knew of Father Young's work and urged her daughter to invite him on the show.