Rito Ambrosiano Antico and the Seminarians of the ICRSS
May 3, 2012 at 3:00 pm
Recently a Mass was offered according to the ancient Ambrosian rite by Msgr. Attilio Cavalli -- a canon of the Cathedral of Milan -- in the parish church of San Siro Misinto. Attending the Mass were a number of the seminarians of the Institute of Christ the King.
If we can get more photos for you, we certainly will publish them. In the meantime, here are two which came our way.
As many of our readers already know, Ambrosian Canons have the privilege of the use of certain pontificals as seen here. Also take note of "ferula" -- the staff with orb atop it. For more on these and other Ambrosian traditions, see Nicola de Grandi's various posts here on NLM.
Canonical link: Rito Ambrosiano Antico and the Seminarians of the ICRSS