The "Lundberry Cope"

One of our readers, seeing one of our "details" series which showed a detail of a chasuble embroidered by the Dominican Sisters of the Stone Convent in Staffordshire, sends in the following bit of information and photos which has a relation to the same. First, the background:

The exquisite Lundberry cope was executed and superbly embroidered by Dominican Sisters at St Dominic’s Priory in North Adelaide, South Australia, in 1906. The priory was founded from the Stone convent in 1883.

The cope was designed by one of the founding community, Mother Francis Philomena Ullathorne OP, niece of William Bernard Ullathorne OSB, Archbishop Birmingham, England, and reveals her considerable artistic talents. The series of eight embroidered rectangular compartments on the orphreys contain within trefoiled arches Saints Antoninus, Raymond, Augustine, Rose of Lima, Catherine of Siena, Thomas Aquinas, Francis and Vincent. On the hood is a representation of St Dominic, attended by Pope Honorius III, receiving the rosary from the Blessed Virgin, enthroned and with the Christ Child on her knee.

The excellence of the skills involved is revealed in the extraordinary amount of minute multi-coloured detail on the orphreys.

Here then, are the photos provided of the Lundberry Cope:

Canonical link: The "Lundberry Cope"