St. Cecilia Novena, Day One

Raise your hand if you did not see these novena posts coming. lol.I do a couple of novenas on the blog per year. It's been three years since I've done one to St. Cecilia so it's overdue. If you don't know my St. Cecilia story, don't worry... you will on her feast day. ;) I know a number of you are musicians (or, at the very least, love singing) so here is the novena to the patroness of musicians and poets... and wordless prayer. :DI got this novena from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia in Nashville.DAY ONELord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us.Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us.Christ, graciously hear us.God the Father of heaven,Have mercy on us.God the Son, Redeemer of the world,Have mercy on us.God the Holy Spirit,Have mercy on us.Holy Trinity, one God,Have mercy on us.Holy Mary, Mother of God,Pray for us. (repeat after each line)St. Cecilia,St. Cecilia, wise virgin,St. Cecilia, whose heart burned with the fire of divine love,St. Cecilia, apostle by your zeal and charity,St. Cecilia, who converted your spouse and procured for him the crown of martyrdom,St. Cecilia, who by your pleadings moved the hearts of pagans, and brought them into the trueChurch,St. Cecilia, who did unceasingly see your guardian angel by your side,St. Cecilia, who mingled your voice with the celestial harmonies of the virgins,St. Cecilia, who by your melodious accents celebrated the praises of Jesus,St. Cecilia, illustrious martyr of Jesus Christ,St. Cecilia, who during three days suffered most excruciating torments,St. Cecilia, consolation of the afflicted,St. Cecilia, protectress of all who invoke you,St. Cecilia, patroness of holy canticles,St. Cecilia, special patroness and advocate of all singers, musicians, authors, and students,We salute you, O Virgin, who gave your blood for the defense and faith of Jesus Christ.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,Spare us, O Lord.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,Graciously hear us, O Lord.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,Have mercy on us.God glorified St. Cecilia,And He crowned her virtues.Let us pray, O Eternal God, who gave us in the person of St. Cecilia, a powerful protectress, grant that after having faithfully passed our days like herself, in innocence and holiness, we may one day attain the land of beatitude, where in concert with her, we may praise you and bless you forevermore in eternity. Amen.HymnLet the deep organ swell the layIn honor of this festive day.Let the harmonious choirs proclaimCecilia’s ever blessed name.Let the harmonious choirs proclaimCecilia’s ever blessed name.Cecilia with a two-fold crown,Adorned in heaven we pray look down,Upon thy fervent children hereAnd harken to their humble prayer.Let the harmonious choirs proclaimCecilia’s ever blessed name.-----------------------------

Canonical link: St. Cecilia Novena, Day One