ASK FATHER: Maniple and zucchetto in the Novus Ordo
From a reader…
Can Priests in the USA use the maniple in a N.O. Mass? Same question regarding the use of a black Zucchetto?
The maniple?
Yes, priests can use the maniple during Holy Mass according to the Novus Ordo, the Ordinary Form. There isn’t much question of that, and those who question that are just… odd. The maniple is not obligatory for the Novus Ordo, as it is in the Extraordinary Form.
The black zucchetto?
As far as a priest is concerned, a zucchetto is not a liturgical vestment, as it is for a bishop or an abbot. Father can use it to keep his bald spot warm, or to look spiffy, but he must leave it in the sacristy before Mass begins. No black zucchetto for priests during Mass. Father should use his biretta.