Resource: 1962 Vietnamese-Latin Missal made available online

A reader sends along the following project, which may be of use to readers in Vietnam, as well as to the Vietnamese living overseas, as well as liturgical scholars:(September 8 - Nativity of the Virgin)

I have recently come across a Vietnamese-Latin missal from 1962 and have begun scanning it and making it available online.The blog is on both Wordpress and Tumblr: Christ,K._______________________________P.S. This past Sunday would have been the Solemnity of the Vietnamese Martyrs according to the 1962 calendar in Vietnam. Here are the Collect, Secret and Postcommunion which Stephen Braun, an FSSP Seminarian, translated into English for me.
Collect:O God, Who with wondrous constancy fortified the faith of all Thy blessed martyrs slain in the region of Indochina, grant mercifully that, aided by their prayers, Thy Church may merit to celebrate new triumphs all over the world. Through our Lord...Secret: O Lord, look upon the gifts of Thy people, that what were offered by sacred mysteries may please Thee by the intercession of Thy blessed martyrs. Through our Lord...Postcommunion:May the reception of Communion of Thy sacraments save us, O Lord, and with the aid of the merits of the blessed martyrs slain in the region of Indochina, may it strengthen us in the light of Thy truth. Through our Lord...

May these Martyrs, some 300,000 in number, intercede for us and for the persecuted Christians of our own time.
