Abortion Biz That Killed Woman Runs Billboard for Women to Brag About Their Abortions
The Preterm abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio is getting some positive publicity this week after it placed pro-abortion billboards across the city.
The billboards advertise the pro-abortion website MyAbortionMyLife.org and the words, “End the silence. End the shame.”, a campaign to portray abortion in a positive light, Mashable reports.
Nancy Starner, Preterm’s director of development and communications, said her abortion clinic wants to end the “stigma” of abortion by promoting women’s “diverse” abortion experiences – in other words, women’s abortion experiences that fit their pro-abortion agenda.
“We wanted to move away from political black-and-white abstract issue,” Starner said, “and look at it as nuanced, rich, complex experience that women and their families go through.”
The campaign is part of a larger, national pro-abortion effort called the 1 in 3 Campaign, which encourages women to brag about how aborting their unborn babies helped their lives.
A little more than a year ago, Preterm was in the news for a very different reason.
On March 21, 2014, the Cleveland abortion clinic rushed 22-year-old Lakisha Wilson (pictured below) to the hospital after a botched abortion; she died a week later, LifeNews previously reported. In May, the Cuyahoga Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed that Wilson died from complications due to a legal abortion she obtained at Preterm.
Operation Rescue recently uncovered new evidence indicating that there may have been criminal conduct involved in her death at Preterm. Documents indicate that the abortion clinic may have been criminally negligent in Wilson’s death because a malfunctioning elevator delayed emergency access and treatment. Other information indicates that the abortion clinic also may have performed an illegal, late-term abortion on Wilson, past Ohio’s 20-week abortion limit.
Several other women also reportedly died from botched abortions in the past several years, including Tonya Reaves in Chicago, Jennifer Morbelli in Maryland and a woman in San Diego.
The recent news report about Preterm’s ad campaign never mentions the young woman’s death. Cases like Wilson’s often are underreported in the liberal mainstream media, which tends to focus on efforts promoting abortion instead.
Ignoring Wilson’s death, the article touts the abortion clinic’s ad campaign, which claims its purpose is to “change the conventional political and cultural perception of abortion so that it reflects women’s personal and diverse experiences.”
Those “diverse experiences” apparently don’t include the myriad ways that abortion hurts and sometimes kills women like Wilson and their unborn babies.
Starner told the news outlet that their billboards will be up for six months. So far, they have not received any complaints, she said.