The Baptismal Rite Includes an Exorcism

ExorcismChurchPOP discusses a little known fact:"Most of the time when people think of exorcisms, they think of dramatic situations like those depicted in movies like The Rite or The Exorcist. But did you know that an exorcism is performed with something as common as the rite of baptism?There are two kinds of exorcisms: major exorcisms and minor exorcisms. A major exorcism is a solemn ritual performed by a priest when a person is believed to be possessed by a demon. They are rare and are only performed by authorized exorcists. A minor exorcism, on the other hand, is a more general exorcism performed even if the recipient is not believed to be possessed and is included in the baptismal rite."More Thoughts on Baptism from the Catechism"Since the time of early Christianity, Baptism has been the rite of initiation into the Christian community of the Church. In Baptism, the 'one Spirit' makes us members of the Body of Christ and of 'one another.'" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1267)"The baptized are called to imitate Jesus’ example and strive in thought, word, and action to live his love. This means working to heal the wounds of sin, living the Beatitudes, practicing the twofold commandment of love of God and neighbor, and imitating the lives of the saints." (CCC, nos. 1694-97)"Incorporation into Christ and into the community of the People of God means agreeing to take part in, and to self-identify with, its mission to become disciples in the world." (CCC, no. 1276)"After being baptized, we acknowledge or receive a white garment to signify that we have risen with Christ. We receive a lighted candle, which symbolizes that we are a new creation, enlightened by Christ. We are now called to carry that light into the dark world to extend the light to others." (CCC, no. 1243)
