Liturgical News from the Basilica of St. John the Evangelist, Stamford

Some news has been sent in regarding the Basilica of St. John the Evangelist in Stamford, CT. where they have been pursuing some restoration work. This basilica had, until recently, a marble altar rail; that altar rail was in poor condition, however, rather than simply tear out the altar rail they took a different approach (and a refreshing approach at that): they had a wooden altar rail installed which is based off the designs of the original 1886 altar rail:

I also wanted to note that this church sees both forms of the Roman liturgy celebrated, and that includes an OF liturgy which is celebrated ad orientem accompanied by a professional choir.

Further, I was also delighted to hear that they have recently begun sung parish Vespers each Sunday at 4:00pm.

All very encouraging. Congrats go out to the parish and its pastor, Msgr. Stephen Di Giovanni.
