Cardinal Cushing's Podium Caught Fire at Kennedy's Inaugural

Hmmm. Maybe we should've taken God's hint.The day President John F. Kennedy was inaugurated in 1961 was a cold and snowy day. The first person to speak was Cardinal Richard Cushing of Boston. A little remembered fact from that day was that as Cardinal Cushing spoke, the podium seemed to catch fire. Smoke quickly surrounded Cdl. Cushing who persevered in his invocation.You can watch the alarmed Secret Service agents discussing it and crouching down at the podium to take care of it. It turned out that it was not God's wrath but a faulty heater set up in the podium to keep speakers warm on that blustery day. Watch the people behind him all staring at it.It starts at about 6:16.Kind of a fun fact thing. *subhead*Where there's smoke.*subhead*
