Book Sale — Liturgical, Historical, Reference, and Rare Books

It's that time again: the love of books, which is deeply ingrained in my nature, bids me never sell anything of beauty or scholarly interest, but the practicalities of life often demand it, not to mention the lack of space (as biblioclaustrophobia is an occupational hazard for teachers and writers). For any of the following titles, please feel free to contact me with questions. There are some real gems this time, so I don't want to part too easily with them, but all prices are negotiable. I will also send higher-res photos upon request. NB: Prices do not include shipping, which will be by Priority Mail.The Treasury of the Sacred Heart, with Epistles and Gospels for All Sundays and Festivals.Dublin: Charles Eason, 1860. Padded leather cover. Front cover detached. Otherwise pages in good condition. Full of interesting devotional texts. 554pp. $100.Hymns by John Henry Newman. New York: Dutton, 1885. Gilt edges. Binding fragile but intact. First signature loosening. Otherwise very good condition. 282pp. $50.Morning and Evening Prayers of the Divine Office.Lauds, Vespers, and Compline for the entire year, from the [1961] Roman Breviary, translated completely into English (no Latin in this volume). New York: Benziger, 1965. 846pp. $100.Breviarium Romanum. Editio XXII juxta typicam novo ssmi D.N. Pii Papae XII psalterio aucta. Regensburg: Pustet, 1950. Three volumes: Pars Verna, Pars Autumnalis, Pars Hiemalis. Warning: Psalter of Pius XII. Gilt edges, ribbons, slip covers. Excellent condition. $100.Breviarium Romanum. Complete Roman breviary, 2 volumes. Rome/Paris: Desclee, 1961. Warning: Psalter of Pius XII. Books and ribbons in great shape, one slip cover. $125.Breviarium Romanum.Rome/Paris: Desclee, 1947. Only the Pars Hiemalis. Fancy caps, fine printing quality, excellent condition. Warning: Psalter of Pius XII. $35.Breviarium Romanum.Complete in one volume. Vatican Press, 1961. ca. 1,700pp. Warning: Psalter of Pius XII. $100.Breviarium Romanum.Turin: A. Mame and Sons, 1914. Pars Hiemalis only. $50.Monumenta Liturgica Ecclesiae Tridentinae Saeculo XIII Antiquiora.Ed. F. Dell'Oro and H. Rogger. Trent: Societa Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche, 1983-88, in 4 volumes, 1260pp + 300pp + 558pp. + 378pp., illustrated. This is a lavish feast for liturgical scholars. Vol. 1: Testimonia Chronographica ex codicibus liturgicis. Vol. 2/A and 2/B: Fontes Liturgici, Libri Sacramentorum. Vol. 3: Appendices and Indices. Excellent condition. $250 for the set of 4.Liber Sacramentorum Paduensis (Padova, Biblioteca Capitolare, Cod. D47).Ed. A. Catella, F. Dell'Oro, A. Martini. Rome: Edizioni Liturgiche, 2005. 595 pp. Paperback. New condition. $50.Farrell, A Companion to the Summa.New York: Sheed & Ward, 1941. 4 volumes, complete set, a bit of pencil writing, very good condition. $100.Wojtyla, Sources of Renewal.This book is Wojtyla's own commentary on Vatican II. First published in Polish in 1972, published in English in 1979. This copy is in great shape, except that the cover is a bit stained, as shown. $35.Woywod, A Practical Commentary on the [1917] Code of Canon Law.New York: Wagner, 1941. 2 vols. xi+782 and xiii+736. $100.Nichols, Dominican Gallery: Portrait of a Culture.A fascinating study of major 20th-century Dominican theologians and philosophers: Victor White, Gerald Vann, Thomas Gilby, Sebastian Bullough, Gervase Mathew, Kenelm Foster, and Conrad Pepler, as well as the English Dominican background. Excellent. Dust jacket. $20.Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae: A Concise Translation.Edited and arranged by Timothy McDermott. Allen, TX: Christian Classics, 1991. Paperback. An attempt, in 650 pages, to provide the meat of the entire Summa (which is a lot longer than that!), and using Thomas's own words. $10.Thomas Aquinas, Meditations for Every Day.Adapted from the Latin of P. D. Mezard, O.P., by E. C. McEniry, O.P. Excerpts from a wide range of the saint's writings, a page or two per day, grouped by themes. Columbus: College Book Co., 1941. xiv+536pp. Very good condition. $50.Dorcy, Saint Dominic's Family: Lives and Legends.Dubuque: The Priory Press, 1964. xxiii+632pp. Biographies of 339 canonized, beatified, or reputedly holy members of the Order of Preachers. Very good condition. $25.San Francesco d'Assisi, I Fioretti.Italian edition of this classic, illustrations by Fausta Beer. (A name so good it would had to have been invented by P. G. Wodehouse if it did not already exist.) Paperback. Very good. $25.Solemes, Documenta pro Congregatione Solesmensi ad Antiphonale et Breviarium Accomodandum.Published in 1973, a 230-page addendum to the Solesmes chant books, giving new readings and antiphons for ferias, feasts, and more recent saints. Text only. $20.A Shorter Morning & Evening Prayer.Published by Collins, this compact (pocket-sized, thin paper) 500-page volume contains the 4-week Liturgy of the Hours psalter for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer, with the proper of seasons, Sundays, office of the Dead, Saturday BVM memorial, and a few feasts. The translation is the one used in England, Wales, Australia, etc., far better than the one for America. Two copies available. Some wear and tear. $5 each.P. Marie-Eugene, O.C.D., I Want to See God and I am a Daughter of the Church: A Practical Synthesis of Carmelite Spirituality.A classic of spiritual theology, in 2 hardcover volumes, Chicago: Fides, 1953. xxii+549 and xxvii+667 pp. Vol. 1 spine a little beaten. Vol. 2 in excellent condition. For the paperback these days, people are asking $50 or more. This hardcover set is very rare. $80 for both.Bossuet, Selections from Meditations on the Gospels. Trans. Lucille Corinne Franchere. Chicago: Regnery, 1962. 2 hardcover volumes. Excellent condition. Out of print and hard to find. $100.Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics.9 of the volumes, plus an extra copy of vol. 1 for free. Original editions from T&T Clark, not the reprint from Hendrickson. $200.Hatch and Walshe, Crown of Glory: The Life of Pope Pius XIINew York: Hawthorn, 1957. 253pp. Nostalgia overload. Dust jacket torn, otherwise mint condition.Marmion, Christ, The Life of the Soul.Foreword by Fr. Benedict Groeschel. Bethesda: Zaccheus Press, 2005. Paperback. Two copies available. $15 each. Minor highlighting to a few pages in one of the copies; otherwise V/G+.I may be contacted at my NLM email.
