Swiss Assisted Suicide Deaths Increase 30% in 2015

The Swiss statistics office reported that there were 965 reported assisted suicide deaths in 2015 up from 742 in 2014. Earlier media reports suggested that there were 999 Swiss assisted suicide deaths in 2015. There were 86 reported assisted suicide deaths in 2000.

The Swiss statistics indicate that 539 women and 426 men died by assisted suicide compared to 279 woman and 792 men who died by suicide (not assisted). There were 67,606 total Swiss deaths in 2015.

According to news the number of assisted suicide deaths in Swiss nursing homes, by the Exit suicide clinic, increased from 10 deaths in 2007 to 92 in 2015. The news service reported that the Swiss association for ethics and medicine found this trend alarming and stated:

“To end lives in this way gives it [the practice of assisted suicide] an institutional seal of approval.”

Click here to sign up for pro-life news alerts from Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here.

