I always get excited when a new language version of the Internet Prayer I wrote some years ago arrives in my email. This time, however, it wasn’t a new language translation I received. It was a criticism and revision of the German version. “Okay!”, quoth I, “Let’s double check!”

Thereupon, I sent that newly proposed version to a German priest friend of many years, whose Latin is very strong. He reviewed it and offered a few tweaks. I have now posted the UPDATED German version.

Allmächtiger, ewiger Gott, Du hast uns nach Deinem Ebenbild geschaffen und uns geboten, alles Gute, Wahre und Schöne zu suchen, besonders in der göttlichen Person Deines eingeborenen Sohnes, unseres Herrn Jesus Christus; gewähre uns, wir bitten Dich, auf die Fürsprache des heiligen Bischofs und Kirchenlehrers Isidor (von Sevilla), dass wir auf unseren Reisen im Internet, Hände und Augen nur auf das richten, was Dir wohlgefällig ist, und allen Menschen, mit denen wir dort zusammenkommen, mit Liebe und Geduld begegnen. Durch Christus, unseren Herrn. Amen.

I’m always open to NEW language versions.

I would ask also that the TITLE be translated and that you, if possible, could provide also a recording of the prayer by a native speaker of the language… which could be tough when it comes to, Homeric Greek or Klingon.

I’d also like to have a video of the prayer in American Sign Language.

Speaking of b, the version that is now posted as harshly denounced by some nerdy reader who then, when challenged to provide a better one, disappeared. Not very honorable. What a petaQ! With the advent of a new Star Trek series with a lot of Klingon, perhaps we can get a better version?

