Sharing the Word for November 22, 2017

Memorial of Saint Cecilia

November 22, 2017

Daily Reading from the USCCB: 2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31


This reading provides another example of dedication to the law of God and of courage in persecution.

Eleazer showed courage and determination in old age. Today’s reading gives us an example of courage and determination on the part of the young and the vulnerable.

The text that the Lectionary presents is considerably toned down from the much more gruesome version found in the Scripture text. Each version, however, presents these young men and their mother as persons of courage and determination, full of faith in God’s care for them.

Moreover, this passage is one of the earliest examples of faith in the resurrection. Torment and persecution are not the last words.

Have I ever experienced suffering because of my religious beliefs? How did I respond?

