Doctors Will Euthanize Healthy 29-Year-Old Woman Because She is Mentally Disabled

The Netherlands RTL news published an article on yesterday about a 29 year-old healthy woman who was approved for euthanasia for psychiatric reasons. Her euthanasia death by lethal injection is scheduled for January 26. The article states (google translated):

Sarah has no terminal illness, but knows that she will die in twelve days. Surrounded by friends and in her own bed. She opts for euthanasia because of unbearable and hopeless psychic suffering. “I have been so devoured by my psychiatric disorders that I am completely broken.”

Sarah (not her real name) lives in a small town in the east of the country. She struggles with severe psychological problems from an early age. She has borderline, does self-harm, hears voices, has psychoses and is depressed. She has not wanted to live for years. On New Year’s Eve, she received permission for euthanasia after a long trajectory. That will happen on January 26, at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Sarah, whose real name is Aurelia, is a promoter of euthanasia for psychiatric reasons.

The article points to several factors that have led to her seeking death by euthanasia.
After her first suicide attempt Aurelia lived in a hospital for 2½ years. She was then incarcerated for 2½ years after setting fire to the apartment building that she lived-in. In prison she spent time in an isolation cell. She said that she got worse in prison.

In early 2017, she agreed to try a new treatment, but she was told that her condition was too complicated.

Aurelia – we want you to live. 

At this moment, your life may seem dark and without a future, but we want you to know that there is help and there are people who want to care for you.

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Many people have experienced similar pain and struggles and yet life can change and happiness is possible. Making real choices to live sometimes takes courage.

The article explains the reality of death by euthanasia (google translated):

“I thought it was very intense, they explain how it works, how it works with the drink, how your body responds, and then they tell you that your body and lips are turning blue and what your body is going to do. And then you’re dead, but I was shocked by those words, Blue, Death. Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here.
