Cathedral Renovation in Steubenville, OH

According to the June 21 edition of the The Steubenville Register, the diocesan newspaper of the Diocese of Steubenville, OH, there are currently plans to renovate Holy Name Cathedral, the cathedral of the diocese. The Most Rev. Jeffrey M. Monforton is the bishop of the Diocese, and is

Additional details can be found on pages 1 and 12 of the newspaper, which I have compiled into a pdf here for ease. The entire newspaper can be found here.

Our anonymous contributor points out that the architectural renderings below are simply initial drafts, not the final plans.

This definitely appears to be a step in the right direction. Or, brick by brick, as others might say.


For current interior pictures, I was only able to find this one, courtesy Fr. Zuhlsdorf. You will note that they have their statues veiled for passion-tide, another positive development. This photo is from 2009.


Historical (1910, from Wikipedia):

This picture is from the requirem for the funeral of the first bishop of Steubenville
