Anglican Ordinariate Priestly Ordination and Mass of Thanksgiving

Recently, in Melbourne, Australia, Bishop Elliott ordained another priest for the Anglican Ordinariate. Congratulations to the Rev. Richard Waddell, who was ordained. He will now be leaving to study Canon Law in Rome. There are pictures of both the ordination at St Patrick's Mentone, as well as his Mass of Thanksgiving, which he celebrated at the Community of Bl. John Henry Newman.

I am also told that this was a historic  situation: while the Mass of Ordination was celebrated according to the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the Mass of thanksgiving was the very first use of the Interim Liturgy of the Anglican Ordinariate in Australia.

Readers will note well that the Mass of ordination was celebrated ad orientem, as well as the use of the Episcopal gloves.


Rev. Mr. Richard Waddell processing into the church to be ordained

Incensation of the altar

The celebrant and other ministers seated for the proclamation of the readings

The deacon proclaiming the gospel

Bishop Elliott listening to the deacon proclaim the gospel

The ordinandi proclaiming his intent

Making the final promise

Prostration and Litany

Laying on of hands

Anointing of hands, after being vested in priestly stole and chausable

All the ministers in place for the canon

Mass of Thanksgiving

Preparing for the Mass of Thanksgiving

Incensing the altar

Introductory Rites


The subdeacon proclaiming the epistle


