
Are you suffering from Fecundaphobia! "The more pressing question you probably have is: Why should we care? After all, America seems pretty crowded as is. Why should it matter if, in a few decades, we don’t have as many people clogging up the freeways and malls? The short answer is that sub-replacement fertility rates eventually lead to a shrinking of the population — and throughout recorded human history, declining populations have always followed or been followed by Very Bad Things. Disease. War. Economic stangation or collapse. And these grim tidings from history may be in our future, since population contraction is where most of the world is headed."This paragraph sums up the demographic winter we will face if we do not reverse course. It is a reality, history bears it out, and there is no running from the just collapse of a culture that rejects children and abhors the thought of fertility and family. Happy the man who fills his quiver with these arrows!Pray the rosary daily! Be Holy!

Canonical link: Fecundaphobia!