2014 Liturgical Ordo for the Extraordinary Form by the FSSP

The good people at the FSSP have sent me their Ordo for 2014. They are the first group to do so!

Do you have your 2014 yet, Fathers?

To order the FSSP’s Ordo, click HERE.  This Ordo is especially useful for NORTH AMERICA.

It looks just like it always does.  No frills.


Just like always, it has helpful notes about the 1962 Missale Romanum.


The Ordo contains exactly what it is supposed to contain.  No surprises.


A little closer.


In the back there are some of the prayers we need at different times of the year.  For example, the prayer used after Mass yesterday for the Feast of Christ the King.  It is the slightly adjusted version.


Ordo.  No sacristy is properly equipped without one.

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