New Zealand Abortions Drop 20% in Five Years to Lowest Level in 20 Years

The number of abortions in New Zealand have fallen to their lowest levels i 20 years as fewer doctors want to do them.

From a news report:

The number of women having abortions in New Zealand has dropped to its lowest rate in almost 20 years and significantly fewer teenagers are having the procedure.

In 2012, 14,745 women had abortions in NZ, down from 18,382 five years earlier.

The number of abortions is at the lowest level since 1995, according to a report from the Abortion Supervisory Committee, which works to improve the quality of abortion services in New Zealand.

Women in their 20s were most likely to have an abortion, followed by 15- to 19-year-olds. Women over 45 were the group with the lowest number of abortions.

The number of girls under 14 having abortions more than halved – from 104 in 2007 to 51 in 2012. The number of girls in the 15- to 19-year-old group also dropped substantially – from 4173 to 2489.

Most women having abortions identified themselves as European, followed by Maori, Asian and Pacific.

Why did abortions fall so drastically? Ken Orr of Right to Life tells LifeNews it is because fewer doctors do abortions. He said:

The Abortion Supervisory Committee in its report to Parliament in 2013 report that the number of doctors appointed by the Committee as at 30 June 2013 as certifying consultants was 166. In 2004 the total was 201. This is reduction of 35 consultants.

The approval of two certifying consultants is required to authorise the killing of a child before birth. Abortion is a core health service, with unlimited funding and no waiting list. Consultants are well paid by the state for making decisions as to which children may live and who will be killed. Consultants receive a fee of $135 for a brief consultation with a woman seeking an abortion.

There are more than 12,000 registered medical practitioners in New Zealand. The vast majority of these doctors refuse to be certifying consultants and be involved in the killing of the unborn. The message that these doctors are giving to the community is that they do not accept the killing of the unborn as a “health  service” The advocates for a culture of death claim that abortion is an essential part of “reproductive health services,”and that abortion should be decriminalised and taken out of the Crimes Act. They are promoting a lie in the belief that if they repeat this demonic lie often enough, people will believe it. Right to Life commends these courageous doctors who refuse to violate their medical ethics by refusing to be involved with abortion, the murder of the innocent.

Right to Life earnestly encourages certifying consultants and abortionists to reject a culture of death and promote a culture of life which recognises that every human being is endowed at conception by its Creator with an inalienable right to life. Every child is a unique and unrepeatable miracle of God’s creation that should be accorded with the respect that is due to the human person. Doctors are especially privileged to witness the miracle of the development of life in the womb, they have a duty to protect the life of their little patient and the health of the mother.



Dr Simon Snook, is a leader in the abortion industry. We believe that he is one of the busiest abortionists in New Zealand and responsible for the violent deaths of many children in the womb. It is a tragedy that his zeal is misdirected. He was previously an abortionist with Marie Stopes, the major abortion provider in the UK. He is a certifying consultant and an abortionist at the Te Mahoe abortion clinic in Wellington Hospital and is the Director of Abortion Services at the Masterton Hospital. He is also a director and shareholder in Istar Ltd the sole importer of the murder pill, Mifepristone, RU 486. He is also a member of the Family Planning Associations Council. Right to Life believes and is saddened that he is at the forefront of promoting a culture of death in New Zealand by his active promotion of contraception, sterilisation and abortion. We look forward to the day when he and his misguided colleagues in the abortion industry experience a conversion. They could then follow the example of many abortionists in the United States who have stopped doing abortions and ceased their  involvement in the war against women and their unborn.
