Project Aims to Give Names to Every Baby Killed in Abortion

With more than 56 million abortions in the United States since Roe v. Wade, there are millions of babies who were victimized by abortion who were never given names. Until now.

Violence is not the end of the story, says Charlotte Ostermann of, it is now possible to register names for the aborted children who have died who, up until now have merely been statistics. Giving a name emphasizes the humanity of each baby, and calls attention to the staggering number of abortions in a hope-giving way, she says. Each name is accompanied by a concrete gesture: How will you honor this child?

Ostermann says participants in the project are creating a legacy of love for these unwanted children by helping remember the unborn babies abortion kills with acts of service, prayers, donations to humanitarian organizations, works of art, and more.

“The ripple effect of honoring these children is already bringing blessing and healing. God has taught us to pray for blessings for those who hurt us, so we pray for the relatives and abortionist of each unique, unrepeatable little human person,” she says.

Ostermann, is thrilled that people are excited about naming the victims of abortion, she told LifeNews.

She said: “This is a simple, beautiful, meaningful thing to do to connect with the reality of so many deaths — a reality it is hard to face without despair. Much of the inertia we see among pro-life people is because of the horrible burden of this mountain of death. Good people feel responsible, but need creative ways to respond — like giving names for a few of the babies, and offering positive actions to call attention to the reality that they are real.”



Fr. Matthew Habiger, well-known among pro-life advocates and activists for his work with Human Life International, is enthusiastic about this opportunity to restore human dignity

He told LifeNews: “When you give a name to an aborted child, then you remove it from the trash heap of oblivion, and restore a token of human dignity to that child. When you do this publicly, then you are helping to reform the values of the current culture. This is a commendable effort…. another way to soften hardened attitudes, and to melt frozen hearts.”

50 Million Names is a grassroots campaign that may result in these millions of names being read into state and national congressional records.
