Teacher trashes 1st graders Christmas gifts: “Jesus is not allowed in school”

More liberal tolerance.

From The Blaze:


A first-grade teacher in California told a student that “Jesus is not allowed in school” before removing a religious story the child affixed to candy canes in celebration of Christmas last month, a non-profit legal firm claims.

The incident reportedly unfolded on Dec. 13, when 6-year-old Isaiah Martinez brought gifts for his peers to Merced Elementary School in West Covina, Calif.

According to a press release distributed by Advocates for Faith & Freedom, the firm handling the case, “Each gift consisted of a traditional candy cane with a message attached that recited the legend of the candy cane. The legend references a candy maker who created the candy cane to symbolize the life of Jesus Christ.”

According to the legal group, when Martinez presented the gifts, he was met with major resistance from his teacher, who reportedly took the candy canes and removed the Christian story affixed to them.

“After conferring with the school principal, the teacher told Isaiah that ‘Jesus is not allowed in school’ and, at the apparent direction of her principal, ripped the candy cane message from each candy cane, threw the messages in the trash, and handed the candy canes back to Isaiah for delivery to his classmates,” the press release continued. “Isaiah then nervously handed the candy canes to his classmates in fear that he was in trouble for trying to bring a little Christmas cheer and ‘good tidings’ to class.”


Read the rest there.

Thanks heaven little Isaiah didn’t post happy, innocent season’s greetings in the Fishwrap‘s combox!  Can you imagine what they would have done to him over there?

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