Ruminating on the Natural Revelation Series I Wrote for the Register…

back in November.  For me the weirdest takeaway was not that atheists tried to argue there is no God.  What would anybody expect an atheist to do?  No.  The weirdest part was having Fundamentalist Protestants who think they are Catholics tell me that St. Thomas Aquinas’ arguments for the existence of God were a menace to the Faith and that the only *true* arguments for the existence of God come from the Intelligent Design movement.  More and more, I come to agree with reader Dan C that the uncritical alliance of conservative American Catholicism and Evangelical Protestantism needs to be critically examined PDQ since a lot of highly dubious assumptions are being accepted in those parts by Catholics who really ought to know better.

Just as it should not be controversial to say “Pope Francis is not the enemy of the Church and Catholics who think it their job to defend the faith from him should consider the possibility they are insufficiently modest about their brains and sanctity” so it should not be controversial to say “The major challenge facing the Church today is not due to the fact that St. Thomas Aquinas is soft on atheism or not as well versed in arguments for the existence of God as Intelligent Design advocates.  If you believe this to be the case, grow some humility.”
