The Narrative Writes the News, Honesty is Not Required

If you have been a sentient being who acknowledges the existence of the Natural Law, the title of this post amounts to Dog Bites Man. But I enjoyed the comprehensiveness of the take on this subject that my brother tipped me to, written by Matt Walsh, which I'll excerpt below. It is a devastating account and catalogue of the faked incidents and allegations of "homophobic" behavior to advance the political agenda. The last part of the excerpt relates to our state's contribution to the agenda-building effort, Michael Sam: _______________Lying, coercing, manipulating, defrauding, and scheming — for marriage equality!Posted on February 16, 2014 by The Matt Walsh BlogWe all know the score.This is how the game is played.They lie, and cooperate with lies, and become willing participants in things that are very likely to be lies, and they do it all for the greater good.Did you hear about the infamous gay bashing birthday party RSVP from earlier this week? The story set social media on fire. Two gay dads threw a tie dye party for their 7-year-old daughter, Sophia, and invited all of the neighborhood children over to celebrate. But some anti-gay mother (probably a Christian, as countless people on Facebook and Twitter observed) declined the invitation, and she did so in the rudest way possible. Rather than simply offering a polite ‘sorry, we can’t make it,’ she jotted down a vicious anti-gay rant, and sent it to Sophia’s dads.The note said: “Tommy will NOT attend. I do not believe in what you do and will not subject my innocent son to your “lifestyle.” I’m sorry Sophia has to grow up this way.”When I first saw this story, my initial thought was: who in God’s name throws tie dye parties anymore?Then my second thought was: how long before we find out that this entire story is a hoax? I told my wife it would be two weeks. I was wrong. It took one week. A couple of days ago, the inevitable inevitably happened. We discovered that the Tale of the Anti Gay RSVP was, in fact, a complete fabrication, cooked up by a morning radio show.Don’t worry, they say they only wanted to “start a conversation.”Mission accomplished. Conversation started.Well, it wasn’t so much a ‘conversation’ as it was an excuse for a bunch of nincompoops to spew tired old anti-Christian and anti-conservative clichés – but I guess that’s what passes for dialogue these days.You know, I’m beginning to suspect that the folks who spread these fraudulent parables of “anti-gay bias” might be doing it on purpose.I’m starting to suspect that these people aren’t as gullible as they pretend to be.I might be onto something.[...]But the false narrative is the primary weapon in the arsenal of the progressive. Maybe it’s their only weapon. In no area is this more pronounced or prevalent than in the realm of “gay rights.” The gay rights movement is built on mischaracterizations, fabrications, and outright lies. They don’t always come up with the lie — this one originated as nothing more than a radio station’s cheap publicity stunt — but they will use it for their benefit.[...]That’s because the truth is irrelevant here.It’s all about the narrative. That’s it.In fact, instances of fake gay bashing and fabricated homophobic ”hate crimes” are so common that I’d need to drag this on for 20 pages just to come close to listing all of the more recent cases. Here’s a good one. A lesbian couple spray painted the phrase “kill the gay” on their own garage. Because “kill the gay” is something that traditional marriage advocates frequently say.[At this point Walsh links to eight other examples of fabricated events along these lines, reported as fact by the press. Read them at his post.]I’m sure, as we speak, there’s yet another wannabe victim on some liberal arts campus somewhere busily planning a biased assault on themselves. And I’m just as sure that gay rights advocates will seize on their unlikely fable and use it to turn their opposition into straw men who refuse to tip lesbians.[...]But there’s more than one way to construct a narrative. Bald faced lying is simply one strategy.Mythologizing can be even more effective.Right in front of our eyes, out in the open, they make men into myths.They made a marginal, obscure, unremarkable, aging NBA benchwarmer into a “historic” sports legend. Jason Collins was morphed into Jackie Robinson — which is about as absurd as attempting to turn Billy Ripken into Babe Ruth.[...]And now the NFL has become another staging ground for the gay victimhood mythology. It was inevitable. As soon as Michael Sam announced his sexual habits publicly, we knew what would come next. He’ll be a victim, even if he’s not. NFL teams are in a lose-lose predicament. They can draft him higher than he deserves to be drafted, and find themselves under the close scrutiny of the media and gay rights organizations who are waiting eagerly for any example of gay discrimination in the locker room or on the field. Or NFL clubs can refuse to distract their entire team for the sake of winning points with progressives by drafting an undersized, middle round defensive prospect, and be accused of “homophobia” and “bigotry” because of it.It doesn’t matter what happens next. Michael Sam will be a victim. Michael Sam will be what the narrative needs him to be. He is now another character in a fictitious drama, written and produced by agenda-driven liars and schemers.
