Freedom From Religion Foundation at it Again

atheistmemeThis time the great enemy is an Arkansas pizza parlor, just opened, that offers 10% discounts to people holding church bulletins. Ooh, the agony, horror, and intolerance of such a dastardly act! A discount for holding a piece of paper printed on a church-owned copier, with a bunch of other ads and notices printed on it! It’s like the Devil’s coupon book! It’s OFFENSIVE! I have a RIGHT not to be exposed to such things, because I say so, and what I say GOES! According to their Facebook page, the pizza place offers 10% discounts to veterans too. Shame! Shame! Shame! Who do these owners think they are, cramming their ideology down everyone’s throats! Time to unleash the letters and threats and make these evil persecutors PAY!

The owner is standing his ground. Huzzah! Freedom from religion is a legal fiction. 
