Daily Gospel Reflection for August 23, 2014


Today’s Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12

In this passage, Jesus warns us about the danger of seeking honor and prestige. We not only have to share God’s law with each other, but we must follow it as well. Jesus warns us about the Pharisees who teach the law, but do not follow it. The adage “practice what you preach” applies here. For example, not only should we teach others to help each other or show mercy to each other, but we must show each other the same virtues. We must live what we teach. For this reason, Jesus says not to seek out honor, but share the good news humbly.  We see this message often with the saints. God often doesn’t choose the proud and strong to lead by example. Instead, he chooses the meek and humble such as St. Faustina. 


How have my actions supported God’s teachings today? Have I shared His Good News flauntingly and with judgment? Or, have I demonstrated humbly what He expects of us? 


Dear Father in Heaven, it is my desire to serve you perfectly.  Holy Spirit, guide me to always do your will and lead people to you by example and humility. I ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Copyright 2014 Jennifer Gladen
