Today’s Catholic must-reads: 27/08/14

There is no place for jealousy, envy and antipathy in our parishes, Pope Francis said at his general audience today (full text, English address, short video, full video).

The King of Bahrain has offered to help 200 Christian families forced to flee from Mosul.

Campaigners have urged Pope Francis to press the Vatican bank to sell off its fossil fuel investments.

David Gibson considers whether the slain journalist James Foley was a martyr.

Jason Berry says Legionaries of Christ are comparing their disgraced founder to St Mary Magdalene (Pia de Solenni, Mollie Wilson O’Reilly).

Tina Beattie argues that Pope Francis has done little to improve women’s lives.

And Francis admired a model of St Peter’s Square inside St Peter’s Square this morning.

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