Morning Catholic must-reads: 02/09/14

Pope Francis has asked the International Theological Commission to appointment more women, Cardinal Gerhard Müller has said in an interview with L’Osservatore Romano (full Italian text).

Archbishop Silvano Tomasi has urged the United Nations to take “concrete steps” to stop ISIS (full text).

Catholics in South Sudan have protested against the government’s decision to close down a Catholic radio station.

Andrea Gagliarducci argues that Benedict XVI laid the groundwork for Pope Francis’s “revolution” on episcopal appointments.

Katarzyna Jarzyńska says that the Russian Orthodox Church risks losing “its position in the global Orthodox community” over Ukraine.

Jo Piazza of Time Magazine accuses the Vatican of launching a “Nunquisition“.

And last night’s Match for Peace in Rome, inspired by Pope Francis, ended in a 6-3 victory for the side captained by Javier Zanetti (papal audience, match highlights, Maradona comments).

Follow me on Twitter @lukecoppen for updates throughout the day.


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