Photo of Baby Born in Embryonic Sac Goes Viral on Twitter

A photo of a baby born in an embryonic sac has gone viral on Twitter. The Twitter user @Powerfulpixs shared the following photo of a baby born in an embryonic sac:


The photo has gone viral with thousands of Twitter users sharing it or favoring it. Some twitter users wondered if this unborn baby was a victim of abortion. But here’s the background on what happened:

An astonishing case of a baby delivered with the amniotic sac intact, was recorded by Dr. Aris Tsigris, a Greek obstetrician who delivered the baby.

He immediately posted this ultra rare picture on Facebook, after the delivery.

This phenomenally rare birth took place when the baby was delivered via C-section in Amarousion, north of Athens.

And this isn’t the first time something like this has happened; it turns out, actress Jessica Alba’s daughter Haven, was also born in the same way. “I was in the middle of pushing and he told me to hold on a minute and not to push,” Alba said.

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“He was wearing basketball shorts and a T-shirt and said: ‘Oh I have to get my scrubs on for this!’ The sac burst on its own after she came out. It was a trip.”

The amniotic sac, which protects the baby from external injury, and nourishes it, usually breaks during birth- a process known as ‘water breaking,’ Dr. Tsigris explained.
