Standing O, For Our Beloved Prince, Cardinal Burke!

Standing O, for A Beloved Prince of the Church!There is no holier prince of the Church than Cardinal Burke. From time to time, I find myself musing on what the tone of the Church might be right now, had he been elected to fulfill the Petrine Ministry. The fact that he says things like this publicly with great charity, do not help:“Our country suffers the scourge of an attack on the dignity of human life and on the integrity of its cradle in marriage and the family,” he said. “Direct abortion on demand, the termination of the life of those who have special needs or are weakened because of illness or advanced years, and the pervasive view of the human body as a tool to be used for achieving maximum personal conve­nience and pleasure in life are some of the unmistakable signs of the deterio­ration and total loss of the respect for human life. The attempt to redefine marriage in violation of the moral law and the diffusion of the so-called “gender theory” represent the most grievous assaults on the integrity of marriage and the family.Catholic health care, by its constant and careful attention to the perennial moral teaching of the Church, safeguards and promotes the respect for all human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death and for the integrity of marriage as the faithful, indissoluble and procreative union of one man and one woman.....It stands as a beacon of light – the light of Jesus Christ – in a society which finds itself confused about the most fundamental truths, about the nature of human life and the vocation of man and woman in marriage.” Cardinal Raymond Leo BurkePray For Cardinal Burke!Pray the Rosary Daily! Be Holy, Not Worldly!
