Pennsylvania Bill Would Keep Women in the Dark About Abortion’s Risks, Alternatives

A new Pennsylvania bill deceptively named the Patient Trust  Act could threaten women’s right to receive facts about abortion prior to making a decision.

The bill, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate, is being touted by abortion advocates across the state. They claim the bill would “keep politicians out of examining rooms,” but actually it could keep women in the dark about abortion risks and alternatives.

prolifewomen18It’s tragic when advocates of abortion try to push their political agenda at the expense of women’s health.

The legislation touted in the op-ed “Support efforts to keep politicians out of examining rooms,” would be better labelled the Patient Mistrust Act.  It is obvious that the abortion industry and its advocates do not trust women with critical information about the medically-proven risks of abortion. Rather than share these vital facts with patients, abortion backers want to keep women in the dark.  Studies have shown that abortion can, in fact, lead to a host of physical and psychological complications, including sterility, perforation of the uterus, depression, and substance abuse.

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What’s most heartbreaking is looking into the eyes of a woman who tearfully relates how she aborted the only child she will ever have because she is now sterile in the wake of her abortion.

Women deserve to know the facts. We cannot turn back the clock to the days when women did not receive vital information before making life-altering medical decisions. Note: Maria Vitale is an opinion columnist for She is the Legislative Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and Vitale has written and reported for various broadcast and print media outlets, including National Public Radio, CBS Radio, and AP Radio.
