OPERATION: #FallFlair!

Boastful display of  #FallFlair

Boastful display of #FallFlair

Let’s go outside and play! The bright colors of fall and the spicy sweet aromas that fill the air beckon a playful heart.

Operation #FallFlair is an overt operation to seek out the beauty of the fall season.  Tasks can be accomplished as a single operative or in collaboration with friendlies.

MISSION:  Procure human interactions with defined open source assets by means of image intelligence of #FallFlair. (Basically, go take pictures of your family enjoying the season of Fall.)

OBJECTIVE:  Collect and widely disperse images of seasonal flair so as to inspire others to do the same.

Go, in peace of course, visit your home parish, neighboring parish, local cathedral to capture the essence of the season. Expose that colorful #Fallflair with your handy dandy smartphone. Share your adventures by checking-in and tagging points of interest. Enlist the joy of friendlies to share their sightings of #FallFlair. Savor the flavors of the season’s bountiful harvest. Stop for a selfie moment amongst the #Fallflair before calling it day.

Apple tree

Fruitful #FallFlair

Sipping on a nice cup of hot apple cider cuddle up on the couch and get to work on editing those fancy #FallFlair pictures. Apps like PhotoGrid and Aviary offer some fun editing elements like adding text and a variety of filters. Mesh several images as a collage using PhotoGrid or go for a single striking burst of #FallFlair making those colors pop with Aviary.

One app I have been itching to play with is Vrsly. It is an iPhone app that provides users with daily inspiration in a single verse. The creativity comes in aligning your images with the verse of the day. You only get one day to use that particular verse. It’s a neverending photo challenge! How fun is that?

During this season of remembrance and thanksgiving I enjoy taking special note of the simple things in life. It is in honoring the lives of the saints and family gone to eternal rest that I find the true meaning of a bountiful harvest. The fruits of their labor surround me and I am grateful. It is because of their labor that I am moved to take action.

How did the season inspire you? Where did you share your #FallFlair? Share in the comments below. My #FallFlair can be found on Twitter and Instagram.

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Copyright 2014 Gina Felter

Canonical link: OPERATION: #FallFlair!