Post Synodal Pontification's Part I

Following the SynodAdmittedly, I am a bit of a Catholic nerd. I never miss an opportunity to read, watch, and listen, to news regarding the hierarchy of the Church. I am bound to the great treasure that is, the divine revelation of Jesus Christ as safeguarded and traditionally taught by the successors to the Apostles. As a cradle Catholic, who had no respect for the Church, primarily because my only experience of the priesthood was grounded in the homoheresy. I am painfully aware that the hierarchy of the Church has been infiltrated by priests and prelates who simply do not believe the things that Christ has revealed for our salvation. In spite of my awareness of the imperfection of men, I returned to the Church, She is the barque of Peter after all, not to mention, the Pillar and bulwark of all truth. However, knowing that and giving assent to it has been made increasingly difficult by the modern day Bishop Iscariot's. The evidence of this interior schism can be seen plainly in the implementation of liturgical reform. Even if a person had no earthly idea of the goings on behind the curtain at the Second Vatican Council a reasonable person with the ability to read, and an open heart could not go a day without calling into question the origin of the Norvus Ordo. Much can be deduced from the obvious disparity between it and the Traditional Latin Mass. In the Norvus Ordo, we see perhaps for the first time the divorce between theology and pastoral activity or dogma and praxis. For example, from Sacrosanctum Concilium paragraph 23:" That sound tradition may be retained, and yet the way remain open to legitimate progress careful investigation is always to be made into each part of the liturgy which is to be revised. This investigation should be theological, historical, and pastoral. Also the general laws governing the structure and meaning of the liturgy must be studied in conjunction with the experience derived from recent liturgical reforms and from the indults conceded to various places. Finally, there must be no innovations unless the good of the Church genuinely and certainly requires them; and care must be taken that any new forms adopted should in some way grow organically from forms already existing."This one paragraph could be the source of an entire article. But, in summary it explains why we ought to follow closely the work of the hierarchy and question anything that is not of sound doctrine. It clearly says that "sound tradition" ought to be retained and that the investigation into changes should be "theological, historical, and pastoral." It says clearly that there must be no "innovations" unless the good of the Church requires them and the million dollar line "new forms adopted should in some way grow organically from the forms already existing." I borrow here from Cardinal Burke, one does not have to be a "rocket scientist" to see that the form that the Norvus Ordo ought to have grown from was the Traditional Latin Mass. If we know anything about organic growth, we know that it does not mean "complete overhaul" or aggiornimento without resourcement. No rational person, can say that the Norvus ordo, with the removal of communion on the tongue while kneeling, latin as the primary language, the sacred chant of the propers, and the introduction of ad populo (facing the people), could be considered an "organic growth" from the already existing rite. That already existing rite being the Traditional Latin Mass. The two should look so closely related that to the untrained eye a difference is hard to detect. And yet, the Norvus Ordo, looks frighteningly akin to a lutheran service on Sunday. Hardly, "organic gowth." Pope Benedict XVI referred to the Norvus Ordo as a "fabrication" on more than one occasion, here is just one:“[W]e have a liturgy which has degenerated so that it has become a show which, with momentary success for the group of liturgical fabricators, strives to render religion interesting in the wake of the frivolities of fashion and seductive moral maxims. Consequently, the trend is the increasingly marked retreat of those who do not look to the liturgy for a spiritual show-master but for the encounter with the living God in whose presence all the ‘doing’ becomes insignificant since only this encounter is able to guarantee us access to the true richness of being.” (Cardinal Ratzinger’s preface to the French translation of Reform of the Roman Liturgy by Monsignor Klaus Gamber, 1992).Why do I follow the Synod? Why Should you follow the Synod? Because Christ is calling you, he is dispensing his actual grace to you in an effort to inspire you to get yourself into a state of grace and begin making your mark on this world by living a in a profound state of holiness. In order for that to happen we have to be honest about the Church and have the courage to confront the Bishop Judas Iscariot's or our time. There are priests, bishops, and Cardinals that have left the narrow path in favor of dancing with wolves. We can no longer simply trust everything that every ordained man says. We must now know the truth or where we can find the truth, so that, we can discern whether or not a particular priest or prelate is actually conveying that truth accurately. We can no longer simply say "I prefer to let God run the Church." He left it in the hands of men and if they will not do God's will, who will? Blind obedience and an absence of honesty in the media led to the failed and dishonest reform of the marriage supper of the lamb. Do we want to live through the failed reform of the marriage between a man and a woman?Pray the Rosary Daily! Be Holy, Not Worldly!Pray for Me! I pray for you daily!
