Mom Cancels Her Abortion Appointment After God Spoke to Her in a Dream

Some moms who have chosen life at the very last moment say that when they woke up on the morning of their abortion appointment, they asked God to give them a sign that they should not have the abortion.

In most cases, a woman will ask for this sign in her prayers. In one instance, though, the mother saw the sign in her dreams!

The 40 Days for Life campaign in Flint, Michigan had been praying for a baby to be saved from abortion. But it didn’t happen — until one mom’s dream literally came true!



Teresa was praying in front of the abortion center on a very quiet day. “I wasn’t really paying attention when a car pulled up next to me,” she said.

The woman in the car told Teresa that a week before, she had scheduled an abortion … and made a payment. “She was feeling very conflicted but knew her financial situation would not support another child.”

But then, the woman said, the day before the abortion, she had a dream – “joyful faces and helpful signs standing and welcoming her.” But still, she was determined to keep her appointment.

She arrived during the campaign’s midpoint rally.

“She saw her dream as reality,” Teresa said, “and our joyful, peaceful, prayerful faces and encouraging signs changed her mind! I feel so blessed to have had this amazing experience.”



“Praise God!” said Gerald in White Plans. “Every once in a while He works a miracle to strengthen our faith and validate our efforts.”

Early one morning a young couple drove up to the abortion center – and sat in the car for about 20 minutes. Eventually, the man walked around to the other side of the car and tried to convince the woman to get out. But she didn’t budge.

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He finally gave up, got back into the car and drove away … only to turn right around and come back. The same scene repeated, as the young man tried his best to get the woman out of the car and into the abortion center.

All this time, volunteers continued to quietly pray.

Finally, the man gave up again and drove away – “this time for good,” Gerald said. “The young lady never got out of the car.”


The 40 Days for Life team in Atlanta sent two quick, encouraging stories.

One of the volunteers spoke to a man who brought a young woman to the abortion center … pleading with that man to go inside and get her out. And he did! The woman seemed overjoyed when they left together.

A second woman arriving for an appointment told prayer volunteers she was there for an RU-486 abortion … and the facility’s staff told her that at five weeks, the baby was “just a clump of blood.” But when she saw everyone praying, “she knew this was not a good place. She did not go in!”

One of the other vigil participants said, “We give thanks to God for His powerful hand at work!” Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.
