Post Synodal Pontifications: III

Problems with The RelatioIt should come as no surprise then that the manner in which the Synod was conducted led to a document that has been called by some the absolute worst document every produced by the Church. This blogger could not have agreed with that sentiment more. There are many difficulties with the Relatio as it was written.As it turns out those with same sex attraction are already welcome in the Church. Provided that they are honest with themselves and willingly refer to their struggle with same sex attraction as sin. I am a sinner. As such, I make frequent confession and I try to live in accord with the revelation of Christ. It is not easy! According to the Church and her tradition, these attractions are "intrinsically disordered." In other words, the very existence of the inclination is not a good. The paragraph 50 of the Relatio however, would have you believe that:50. ..... Are our communities capable of this, accepting and VALUING THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?Troubling does not begin to describe this paragraph. In one sentence it is suggested plainly that we ought to find value in an "intrinsically disordered"attraction. 2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial.Problem? Those who were pushing the marriage for the divorced and remarried agenda at the synod, were also, pushing an agenda of ambiguity. There has been a great deal of discussion about softening the language of the Church. In softening they have made a statement that is so utterly unclear that it is on it's face untrue. There cannot be value in a disorder that is intrinsic. It is in fact the definition of the absence of what ought to be there. We can love them, we ought to love them, we can encourage them to be chaste and to abstain and we ought to, what we cannot do, is suggest that there is intrinsic value in their disorder. What about pedophilia? Is it intrinsically disordered? Are we ready to say that the Church should "value the sexual orientation" of the pedophile? After all they are human beings, with feelings, whom God would like to convert. Perhaps, their lobby is not large enough in the Vatican yet.  I have dealt with this problem only cosmetically. An entire dissertation is necessary to dissect the asinine fatuity of paragraph 50.How about paragraph 20:  "Realizing the need, therefore, for spiritual discernment with regard to cohabitation, civil marriages and divorced and remarried persons, it is the task of the Church to recognize those seeds of the Word that have spread beyond its visible and sacramental boundaries. Following the expansive gaze of Christ, whose light illuminates every man (cf. Jn 1,9; cf. Gaudium et Spes, 22), the Church turns respectfully to those who participate in her life in an incomplete and imperfect way, appreciating the positive values they contain rather than their limitations and shortcomings."This paragraph is the fruit of modern psychological nonsense. It is the equivalent of saying that the Church should not speak at all if She is not going to "keep it positive." Be positive, be encouraging! There is nothing more positive than the truth. Co-habitation, while it may have some "elements" of truth, is not the fullness of truth about how human relationship are to be lived out. the word imperfect actually implies the truth. These relationships are errors in praxis. Why are there errors in praxis? Because there have been errors in worship. Which has led to errors in  belief, which always as Cardinal Burke recently said, leads to errors in living. They are errors! Certainly, a prudent pastor would not simply tell them that their whole lives are one big error. That seems like common sense. Rather, gently and honestly, he would convey to them the beautiful truth about sacrifice and marriage in God's design. Calling them out of their erroneous and sinful rejection of God's design for them. This document is a fundamental re-shaping of Catholic thought. It is worse than ambiguous. In this document those Cardinals and prelates who reject Church teaching, not only come into the light, they document their disdain for Christ and His bride the Church and then sign their names to it. They aggressively push an agenda that is of this world and expressly seeks to glorify sin and the actions of those who by their own free will are not in full communion with the Church. Rather, than holding fast to the truth, they exchange that truth for a lie and then pedal at as tradition. The simple fact that this document was published on Vatican stationary and signed by a few Cardinals, should not in any way soften our view of this document. These are only two problems with it among many others. The failure of the heirarchy to maintain the position of both/and, mercy and justice, has reached a fevered pitch in this document! Every reasonable person faithful to the revelation of Christ ought to openly reject this document. Pray The Rosary Daily! Be Holy, Not Worldly!
