Florida School District Proposing To Ban Distribution of All Religious Material

The Orange County, Florida Public Schools are giving up on their passive distribution policy that originally allowed Bibles to be distributed by World Changers in high schools, but then led to litigation over material critical of the Bible that Freedom From Religion Foundation sought to distribute. That was followed by a request from a New York-based Satanic Temple to distribute its materials under the school district's limited public forum policy. According to yesterday's Christian Post, the Florida school district is now proposing a rule change that will prohibit distribution of materials of a denominational, sectarian, religious, political or partisan nature. Pending requests to distribute material will be put on hold while the rule change is under consideration. Commenting on the proposal, school board chairman Bill Sublette said that the situation has gotten out of hand. "I think we've seen a group or groups take advantage of the open forum we've had," he said.
