It’s about the Music

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Don’t think music is important? Go to Mass where the music isn’t what you expected or isn’t what you like or is just plain awful. Then attend a Mass where the music blows you away with its quality.

There’s a difference. And while music is NOT why we go to Mass, it can really impact things.

I don’t know why, then, it should surprise me that music can play such a big part in changing how my days go…with my kids, with my work, with my outlook on life. Sometimes, all I have to do is turn on something quiet in the background to feel a little sanity returning. Other times, a more upbeat playlist hits the spot.

The team at Making Music Praying Twice has fused the importance of music and their passion for excellence. They’ve designed a program that brings children and parents together with music and movement. Their goal is simply stated: “While the gift of music education is invaluable, the gift of music combined with prayer is immeasurable.”

Read more at my Register blog.

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