Daily Gospel Reflection for November 28, 2014


Today’s Gospel: Luke 21:29-33

This Gospel gives me comfort and hope and a little foreshadowing of what is to come. On Sunday, Advent begins and truly the Kingdom of God will be near. God becomes man and walks with us at his Incarnation. As a man he teaches us all about his Father, who is ours as well, and reminds us that he is truth; indeed he is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6).

When I read “my words will not pass away” it reassures me that all that Jesus said, taught and gave us stays with us for all eternity. Not only do we have his words in scripture, but we have the teachings he gave to the apostles which they gave to the Church as part of our Tradition. God’s word is eternal and what we learn from his word is immeasurable. We must use scripture in our daily life as a tool to “draw near to God” (James 4:8) and to guide us on our journey toward the Kingdom of God.


Does scripture comfort you in your daily life? How does it help your faith to know that scripture has stood and will withstand the test of time?


Lord, thank you for the gift of scripture. Help me to learn your words and write them on my heart so as to better love and know you. Let me use your words which are truth, to comfort, teach and guide others who are in my life. Amen.

Copyright 2014 Deanna Bartalini
