Yes! Finally!

Thank you, Bill Doino, for getting what the “Pope’s true agenda” is and helping others to get it too!

For some, this vision of the Church is confusing, and symbolic of a papacy that is “all over the place.” But if Francis is all over the place, so too is Catholicism, which is a faith of many dimensions, as anyone who reads the Bible and Catechism can see.

Beneath the complexities of the Church, however, is one unifying truth, which Francs repeats often, and from which all its teachings flow: “The principle mission of the Church,” he has declared, “is evangelization, bringing the Good News to everyone.”

This is the only agenda of Pope Francis: to lead people to Jesus Christ, so that their lives and joy may be full.

The pope is Catholic.  Mystery solved! His “agenda” is the same as that of every Pope.  I don’t expect non-Catholics to get that.  But Catholics–especially self-described faithful conservative Catholics–*have* to get that.  This pope is *all* about evangelization.  That’s the key.  Stop applying ideological litmus tests to him and just listen and watch.  It’s obvious.

Canonical link: Yes! Finally!