Altar Recipes

Many recipes used on St. Joseph Altars have been handed down through families and used for generations. But, if you are new to this, and you're not alone, there are oodles of places to get traditional St. Joseph Altar recipes.The Virtual St. Joseph Altar has a recipe page listing some of the more traditional recipes used on Altars.Catholic Cuisine has a nice article that also includes some staple recipes.Even has a St. Joseph Day Altar cookbook!If you are looking for more recipes, keep in mind that those who donate $25 or more to the Virtual St. Joseph Altar will receive a digital copy of Viva San Giuseppe, A guide for Saint Joseph Altars. With over 40 pages of recipes, stories of faith, Altar background, and history, this little out-of-print booklet is a handy reference for anyone setting up a St. Joseph Altar. Delivery to your inbox -- all you need to do is print.

Canonical link: Altar Recipes