I Am Not The Rapist’s Baby, I’m Just a Person Who’s Glad I Wasn’t Aborted

Mary Rathke has an amazing story. She was conceived in rape, which means she’s fortunate just to be alive.

With a society that thinks abortion is perfectly fine in cases of rape or incest — after all, who wants to carry the baby of a rapist – most people forget that the debate over abortion in such “hard cases” is a debate that includes someone else other than the mother who was tragically victimized by rape. That someone else in this case is Mary.

“My mother was raped; many would say I am the rapist’s baby.  Those mothers who have been raped will quickly say their child is their baby, not the rapist’s.  In my case, I was never the rapist’s baby, nor my mother’s,” Mary says, putting things in perspective.


To help share Mary’s story and prompt a fresh look at abortion in cases of rape, Right to Life of Michigan has launched a state-wide educational campaign which includes brand new TV spots and short films featuring women who share why they are prolife.

“These women bring a quiet voice to a noisy debate. Their life experiences convey a fresh perspective to an ongoing discussion: Is abortion justified in certain circumstances?” Right to Life says.

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Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “Those in favor of abortion have pointed to survivors of rape to justify legalized abortion. There is a misconception that women who become pregnant from rape want to abort their children. This is a false stereotype not supported by fact.”

As Mary adds: “When you hear that you’re conceived in rape, you think this is an accident—this is something that wasn’t meant to be. A lot of times people say we need to abort children who’ve been conceived in rape because it’s the rapist baby. I think about me now when I hear those stories. I wouldn’t be here. That all the lives that I have affected would be different. For what my birth mother had to endure has given us a life.”

Here’s her tremendous story:
