"The big feelings stay big..."

This piece is laugh out loud funny, and a real shot in the arm to young mothers: I wish I would have known how new babies make all feelings MORE (and this from a girl who was already fairly high on melodrama): more thrill, more love, more anguish, more adoration, more fear, more gratitude, more doubt, more crazy. You may have been an emotionally sturdy professional just a minute ago, but a newborn takes your heart and mind, squishes them into pulp in her fat little baby hands, and turns you into a woman face down in despair over a Subaru commercial. Who is this sloppy woman in the mirror? Good lord, put on some clean pants and get your crap together! It does get easier eventually, but the drama goes from physical exhaustion to mental overload (at times). That said, she's spot on -- you really do enjoy these little ones as bona fide people one day. Such a privilege to ride this roller coaster!
