6 Ways Business Ownership Converts Your Flaws into Virtues

blogID71 I’m a 22-plus-year faith-based marriage and family therapist-turned-Christian-women-entrepreneur coach. But are the roles that different?

Not really…it’s all about change.

My entrepreneurship journey has at times felt like a psychological and emotional enema; simultaneously painful and cleansing. In being self-employed, like with relationships, your personal issues surface and affect situation outcomes if not handled well.

Business ownership can be the vehicle for your growth in holiness. Consider how jumping into the frying pan to create a profitable enterprise transform these six vices into virtues:

  • From Independence to Interdependence – I savored the freedom to work from home from the comfort of my upstairs home office, accessible to my kids whenever they needed me. Later, I grew up to understand the activities necessary for a profitable business. I had to lift my caboose of my computer chair for face-to-face contact as I reach out to prospects, clients, and colleagues for win-win opportunities. Bottom line is, I learned I can’t do this alone.
  • From Control to Being Teachable – Like many women entrepreneurs the lure of the flexible schedule appealed, only for me it was honestly a desire to control my schedule and my life. The money trail in my business lets me listen to others about shifts I need to make and where I needed to pry back my fingernails and release the grip that was keeping me stuck.
  • From Perfectionism to Being Good Enough – Devoting endless hours to polish a presentation may work if you aren’t trying to generate leads and clients at the same time. Pride and insecurities help rationalize being overly detailed, until it’s time to make the bank deposit and you fall short. Knowing how much to spend on each project and when it’s time to move on keeps the cash moving in your business.
  • From Shame to Vulnerability – In the comfort of my therapy office, I experienced my clients’ broken sides. But once an entrepreneur thrown on the stage, I didn’t like the spotlight revealing my warts and scars. The understanding that people want to collaborate with real people helped me see and communicate how my wounds were actually lights illuminating God’s special mission for me.
  • From Comfort to Fearlessness – Up-leveling comes with a price, but so does not evolving. In my business, creating and having my Holy Spirit-inspired vision has moved me out of my comfort zone and into situations that at first felt like near panic attacks. Prompted by an intense desire not to fail, I walked through my fears to a confidence I had not known previously.
  • From Self-Management to Trust – As a marriage and family therapist I had reached a competence level where I could almost do my job unconsciously, even in Spanish! The transition forced me into the unknown with higher stakes because of my personal investment. Trust and doing the next thing was my only alternative to quitting when times were tough.

If God is calling you to start or grow a business or ministry, it’s like that he’s also calling you into a deeper pruning process, so that he can use you more effectively in building his kingdom.

Christian Women Entrepreneurs Biz and Life Tip: Seeing your business develop from a spiritual vantage point can help you surrender quicker to God’s shaping of your soul; have quicker, better business results; and have a lot of fun doing it.

Copyright 2015 Christina M. Weber
Image source: Deposit Photos. Licensed by author.
