Sunday Brunch Specials for 5/24/15: Great Reads from This Week



CM Sunday Brunch 3

Welcome to the Sunday Brunch! We’re serving up a buffet of articles from the past week. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in to enjoy some great reads.

Wish the Church a Happy Birthday

Celebrating Pentecost with your family and friends is simple and easy with these ideas shared by Tami Kiser. You don’t have to be a “Super Saint” to do it.

Spiritual Spa Day

Sister Margaret Kerry shares how a group of women organized a special day-long retreat. She explains, “A spiritual spa day is a sacred space set aside to rest in the Lord, receive graces, support, strength, and inspiration from others. Women need these times to love and be loved by God so that their gift of self emanates from Christ the life-giving vine.”

Fatherly Wisdom

God has a pretty cool plan for our perfection and sanctification, and Catholic Mom newcomer Tommy Tighe wants to tell you about it.

Talk to Your Spouse!

One of the most significant benefits of Natural Family Planning is that, by its very nature, NFP promotes deep, honest and frequent marital communication. Ellen Gable Hrkach explains why.

What’s in a Name?

Patti Maguire Armstrong reviews The Catholic Baby Name Book and observes, “I like the idea of children having a special saint they are named for that will be a patron, watching over them.”

Does Spelling Count?

Kate Towne wonders if the way a name is spelled influences your perception of the name and/or the person so named.

A Special Gift

Nelly Guajardo reminisces on her family’s experience as her special-needs son began religious education, and how God blessed her whole family.

Special Gift Ideas

It’s that time of year again! The graduation invitations are rolling in! Megan Swaim offers some ideas for creative and useful gifts for the Class of 2015.

Tech Talk for Mary’s Month

Jen Steed reviews a great iOS app for the Month of Mary.  If you haven’t done anything special for May, Meditations of the Life of Mary is a great way to finish the month on a high note.

Calculated Risks

In her discussion about guarding our hearts, Kara Klein observes that intimacy is both joyful and uncomfortable. It’s our deepest desire to be one with another, to have someone see, know and embrace all of us—our beauty as well as brokenness—and yet, it’s our greatest fear precisely because of its risks.

Games We Play

John Konecsni reviews Lego Marvel Super Heroes for our Tech Talk team: “This is what happens when the biggest film franchise of all times meets the safest children’s toy of all time.”

Cooking with

Veronica Gantley’s Slow Cooker Baked Ziti requires no oven time. All you have to do is mix a few ingredients. It really is that simple. It is “set it and forget it” easy, and it won’t heat up the kitchen on a hot summer day.

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Copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz
