Of Disasters, Preparedness and You

I’m coming up for air and finally turning attention to stuff going on in the world (other than Church stuff).

I have caught up a bit about the horrible challenges that many are experiencing in Texas, due to rains and flooding.

Some people were notified to leave your home now or face the possibility of being cut off for days or worse.

So… would you be ready for such news?

“There’s a [FILL IN BLANK] coming.  Stop what you are doing, get your kids, and leave NOW.”

Friends, you simply must make plans along these lines, especially if you are responsible for the well-being of others.  You need some sort of plan.  That plan should include drinkable water, food, proper clothing, transportation and a place to go, if possible.  And don’t forget comms and self-defense.

Could you stop what you are doing, grab a bag, and leave?

I’ll bet quite a few of you readers have made at least basic preparations.  You may have “go bags” or “get home bags” or “bug out bags”.

It would be interesting to hear what you have done for BOBs or even your everyday carry items.  Others could benefit from ideas.

Remember: It always happens to somebody else… until it happens to you.



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